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I ASK for a moment’s indulgence to sit by thy side / The works that I have in hand I will finish/ afterwards.
Away from the sight of thy face my heart /knows no rest not respite, and my work becomes / an endless toil in a shoreless sea of toil .
To-day the summer has come at my window/ with its sighs and murmurs; and the bees are/ playing their minstrelsy at the court of the flowering/ grove .
Now it is time to sit quiet, face to face with/ thee , and to sing dedication of life in this silent/ and overwhelming leisure.
– Gitanjali by Rabindranath Tagore
Rabindranath Tagore desires to sit face to face with God . And here Arjuna stands in front of the Lord having dejected . The cause of his dejection was that he couldn’t fight against his kith and kins . Arjun says:
” Na ca sreyah anupasyami hatva svaanam ahave / Na kamkse vijayam krsna na ca najyam sukhani”. CA 1.31
I feel, O Lord , it’s no good / killing in the battle my own men / I do not crave for victory / Or for worldly pleasures or domain. Next Arjuna says :
” Kim nah rajena govinda Kim bhogaih jivitena va / Yesam arthe kamksitam nah rajyam bhogah sukhani. CA. 1.32
yuddhe pranan tyaktva dhanani ca Acaryah pitarah putrah tTa ime avasthitahatha eva ca pitamahah 1.33
Matulah svsurah poutrah syalah sambandhinah tatha . 1:34
Arjun has been trying to give reasons against the war. He is saying : What is the use of kingdom or keeping alive? What’s the use of hankering after pleasures when the very persons for whom they’re sought . My uncle, sons, grandfather and teachers . Arjun told : ” I find no reason to be engaged in this useless strife. I don’t wish to kill them, even if my life is at stake.
Etan na hantum Icchami ghnatah api Mashusudan; Api troilokya- rajyasya hetoh Kim nu mahikrte.1:32 – 1:34
I’m sure that we can not be happy even if we destroy the sons of Dhrtaradtra , our enemies. Sin will definitely accrue to us. Although it’s known they have committed the vilest felonies.
Tasmat na arha vayam hantum Dhrtaradtran svabandhavan; Svajanam hi katham hatva sukhinah syama Madhava.1:37
We must not therefore, kill the kauravas . They’re our very own men. So killing our close kith and kins we can’t attain happiness. They’re not aware of the sin of killing kindred and friends and charmed by avarice and greed . But why should we , being aware of the consequences not staying away from such kind of heinous deed ?
” Gnothi Seauton ( Greek) Or Nosce Teipsum ( Latin) In English: Know Yourself”.
Bhagavan Sri Krishna realises that Arjuna’s depressive state of mind is due to his improper knowledge of life and existence, and He starts teaching Arjuna the truth about the nature of our temporal existence and its ultimate consequence. Being a great Teacher ( or Doctor) He knows that only antidote of this depressive mind is true knowledge . He cracks the issue at the first module explaining to Arjuna the truth about life in order to dispel Arjuna’s powerful ignorance about the truth of existence. He resorts to a shortcut method first by admonishing Arjuna for His dejection at this crucial hour and for his reluctance to take part in the battle, and advices Him to shake off cowardice and rise to the occasion.
Klaibyam masma Gamah Partha na etat tvayi upapadyate ;/ Ksudram hrdaya daurbalysm tyaktva uttistha parantapa. 2:13
Get rid of this mean ( cowardice) weakness, as it’s the time the act now. The wise do not mourn either for the gone or for those that are living. It’s noticeable that Bhwagavan Sri Krishna clarifies first Arjuna’s concept of death as the conclusive phenomenon of existence is incorrect for the soul. Because the soul of a man is beyond the cycle of birth and death and is imperishable, and that it’s the body that is born and that does perish.
Na jayate na mriyate va kadacit nayam bhutva – abhavita va na bhuyah; / Ajo nityah sasvatah ayan purano na hanyate hanyamane sarire. 2:20
The body is sure to perish , but not the soul. In Katha Upanishad , there’s a similar verse . ( 1:2:18)
To be continued ..
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Rudra Sb, here your enlightening article has not only enriched our knowledge on Karma &duty but also our soul! Thanks for sharing !
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