Rudra's Blog
Indian Diversity, Women Writings, Swami Vivekananda, Rabindranath Tagore, Yoga , Current Topics and Others
Path to Moksha ( Salvation)
Mukang Karoti Vachalam Pongung langhaote Girim Tat KripaTamohanVande ParomanandaMadhavam – Gita
” Day after day, O lord of my life, shall I stand before thee face to face. With folded hands , O lord of all worlds, shall I stand before thee face to face.
Under thy great sky in solitude and silence , with humble heart shall I stand before thee face to face.
In this laborious world of thine , tumultuous with toil and with struggle, among hurrying crowds shall I stand before thee face to face.
And when my work shall be done in this world , O King of kings , alone and speechless shall I stand before thee face to face. ” –
We are going to discuss about some rules which are to be strictly followed by the people who are interested in searching for light and to divinity already within us . If we think seriously about our spiritual life keeping aloof worldly activities , we couldn’t able to continue to practice or performing puja to God as we are not a monk . Being a common man we can’t spend all the time in practicing the worship of God . It’s our utmost tendency to make ends meet for our family . We generally think that it’s not possible for a man to practice worship during our earthly activities .
We have to work for our livelihood . But at the same time we have to continue our spiritual growth through our regular works . According to practical Vedanta , each and every work is the Puja of God . If we seriously perform it , then we are worshiping the God , all works are to be meant for the service of God .
Here I shall tell an anecdote which I have experienced in my student life. I was then the student of the University of Calcutta , pursuing Post graduation. Generally Saturday and Sunday were our holidays. Occasionally I used to visit Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission at Narendrapur near Kolkata ( then Calcutta) . There stayed my Emiritus Professor in Karmi Bhawan. Swami Lokesharananda was then the Secretary of the mission . One Sunday, at 8.30 am in the morning I reached there . While I was taking my tiffin in dining room , a senior man was also there . I came to know that his son recently has joined as a Bramhachari in Ramkrishna order. Coming here he noticed that his son is busy to cutting a big pumpkin in the kitchen. After a while , he went to Secretary Maharaj and said , ” Swamiji, why my son is cutting vegetables here ? If he wishes to do it , can do it in his home . Why it’s needed to becoming a monk ? ” Swami Lokeshwaranandaji smilingly replied : Yes , he could . But here all the Monks & Brahmhcharis are working in the name of God. Some are teaching in schools and colleges , some are providing medicine to the poor people, some are busy with the farming and they’re doing all these activities with meticulously as a service to God . They left their home for renunciation. ” Atmano mokhsartam Jagat Dhitai cha “. So their ultimate goal is to serve the larger humanity . Life is nothing but a platform for struggle . We have to fight here , but we forget this being wrapped in with the glistening to the worldly pleasures. According to Swami Vivekananda , life is all about struggle. From beginning to end – it’s an endless and continuous struggle of a being against circumstances tending to press it down ‘. This unending struggle, this incessant battle is what Swami Vivekananda characterizes as the ” divine worship”. In his poem ” And Let Shyama Dance There ” he wrote about this struggle :
Unceasing battle is indeed the worship of the Divine (Mother Kali) . / Let not continuous defeat in this battle unnerve thee all./ Pulverised, pounded be all selfcenterness ,/ base cravings and vain self – esteem. / The heart be thus made the cremation ground; / And let Shyama Dance There. * Read my another post on the ” And Let Shyama Dance There” poem where I have elaborately expressed this .
Tagore’s song of ‘Geetanjali‘ which I quoted at the beginning is significantly speaks similar to Swamiji’s conception about life .
So how can we overcome all these hurdles? We should think that the battle of Kurukhetra is obviously a historical incident which was held in the field of Kurukhetra in between Pandabas And Kauraba . Its have a historical values , but at the same time, it has a deep significant in our lives- journey. In course of our life journey we have been always battling against the evils , selfcenterness, negativity , greediness, and hundreds of like this. It’s a tough battle . This battle has been consistently and continuously going on within our conscience between good and evil.
So, how could we fight against this ? What should be our strategy ?
Sree Krishna preached in Gita when Arjun denied to fight against his relatives – ‘Oshsrupurnakulekhanam’ – Arjun in deep grief and melancholy – ‘Bishwidantam ‘. Sribhagobanubacho: “ Kutasthwa Kashmalmidang Biswame Somupasthitam’ – kashmal means sin , cowardness , weakness . Our religion never shelter weakness. Never indulge cowardness . Sri krishna asks to Arjun , why are you repenting ? – ‘Bisame Somupasthitam‘ . Just it’s ( battle) beginning and in the eve of it , you are repenting ! Anauryajusthamsargam “. – it’s not appropriate to a warrior . Anarya means ignorance . Arya means civilized , sobar , benign , wise and intelligent .
Hi Arjun! You are not unwise , not stupid . He who unwise and stupid, he can refuse to battle . Next inspiring to Arjun, Bhagawan told – ‘Akirtikaram’. You have a great name as an warrior . If you don’t proceed to fight , your honour, familiarity as a hero would have been wiped out . Why are you annoying to fight ? ” Kloibyang Masyasma Gamah Partha “. – Partha ! Please listen to me, Kloibyang – you don’t indulge weakness, unmanliness, timidity. It’s not proper descision. Noitat To-i Upopoddyote . It’s improper to you. You are a Hero . “Khudrang Hridayadyourbollang Tyaktwya ” – remove your fear . Kick out all these weakness . You defeated so many great warriors in the battlefield. ” Uttisthato Jaggrato Prappyo Baran Nibedhato “. Awoke and arise. Let go to fight . “Parantapo” – who got victory against enemies. You have fighted against so many enemies and won the battle. Now why you’re unsteady to face battlefield. This weakness is not praisable. It’s a shame ! It doesn’t fit to you.
Arjun then told : “Rudhio Prodigdhan ” – that means : I don’t want to sit on the King’s throne by dint of bloods .
It’s to be continued
Rudra Sahib -You have indeed illustrated the rules to walk in life !I find myself enlightened about teachings of Geeta ,Great Ravindranath Tagore & the Shakti of Ma Durga !Your writings are inspirational and shows us the way to path of truth & sanctity!Thanks& Keep it up,Sir !
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Welcome Bhaia. God bless you.
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My pleasure,Sir !
Thank you so much .
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