Oh my companion of joy and sorrow , the wind is blowing in my life , Let come to me for traveling another world where there’s no pain and suffering, no betraying , no unemployment , and no corruption like here .
The wind is blowing, the wind of outing for any beautiful places with my friends – tell to the trees, let come to outing with me. Let talk to the path that I might return at late night , don’t wait for me , but keep shutting off the door.
You can sing a song for your remote friends , but that song will be mingled with the drops of the dews in the space . You are to be carried out lots of fairy tales , – but whom do you tell it ? Whose are your listeners? Before lying down on the bed the people are being absorbed in deep sleep ; beasts and birds are also in out of consciousness, probably they’re in their nest resting to gain the energies for the next expedition. Even the moon and the stars are not in awakened state. Thus we have wasted a massive times throughout our life. Oh companion of sorrow and delight of my Life , Let’s go to another world of merriment where the moon and stars are always ready to welcome us.
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Thank you.
Stay healthy and prosperous.
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